410 Main Street
Manning, IA - 51455
(712) 655-2072
Manning Family Recovery Center CHEMICAL DEPENDENCY TREATMENT to individuals and their families across Iowa and Nebraska. This treatment is provided by a caring, empathetic staff who believes your life can change with treatment...
410 Main Street
Manning, IA - 51455
(712) 655-2072
Manning Family Recovery Center services: CHEMICAL DEPENDENCY TREATMENT to individuals and their families across Iowa and Nebraska. This treatment is provided by a caring, empathetic staff who believes your life can change with treatment ...
413 Tracy Street (712) 563-2777 -
Audubon, IA - 50025
(712) 563-2777
New Opportunities, Inc. - Audubon services: Level I outpatient substance abuse treatment and evaluations. Main unit for mentoring program for Audubon County....
322 West 3rd Street (712) 792-1344 - (712) 792-1457 -
Carroll, IA - 51401
(712) 792-1344
New View Substance Abuse Treatment and Prevention Center - Carrol provides substance abuse treatment and prevention agency that offers outpatient Level I and Level II substance abuse treatment. Do not do evaluations. Offer a prevention team that does Prime for Life classes, JADE classes, schoo...
413 Tracy Street (712) 563-2777 -
Audubon, IA - 50025
(712) 563-2777
New Opportunities, Inc. - Audubon Level I outpatient substance abuse treatment and evaluations. Main unit for mentoring program for Audubon County. ...
322 West 3rd Street (712) 792-1344 - (712) 792-1457 -
Carroll, IA - 51401
(712) 792-1344
New View Substance Abuse Treatment and Prevention Center - Carrol Substance abuse treatment and prevention agency that offers outpatient Level I and Level II substance abuse treatment. Do not do evaluations. Offer a prevention team that does Prime for Life classes, JADE classes, school pro...