Nampa, ID - 83606
(208) 344-6611
Alcoholics Anonymous - Region 3 is a support group for adult children of alcoholics and for anyone dealing with the effects of experience in a dysfunctional family.Al- Anon: A support group for people dealing with alcoholism in the life of a famil...
Nampa, ID - 83606
(208) 344-6611
This is a support group for adult children of alcoholics and for anyone dealing with the effects of experience in a dysfunctional family. Al- Anon. A support group for people dealing with alcoholism in the life of a family member or friend. ...
OUT OF STATE, ID - 99999
Toll-Free #:
Alcohol/Drug Abuse Addiction Information & Treatment24 hours a day, all calls confidential, no one turned away. Alcoholism information and treatment....
8436 Fairview Ave., Ste. D
Boise, ID - 83704
(208) 338-5249
Alcoholism Intervention Services, Boise provides outpatient services for the treatment of alcoholism and/or other drugs. The following programs are available: drug & alcohol treatment15 month intensive program for the chemically dependent and co-dependent individual/family counseling...
1516 Vista Ave.
Boise, ID - 83705
(208) 344-6611 or These websites are intended to serve as a resource for information on Area and local service and fellowship events and meeting schedules for A.A. members within Area 18 (Idaho). Answering services Provides a 24 hour answering service. Provide...
2058 N. Farwell Ave
Boise, ID - 83713
(208) 375-8965
Project PATCH is passionately committed to restoring troubled youth and building stronger families. Project PATCH Youth Ranch, is a licensed residential youth treatment facility. They are licensed to accommodate up to forty residents between twelve and seventeen years old. Their thirty-nine de...
1910 University Dr.
Boise, ID - 83725
(208) 426-3471
The Idaho Regional Alco...