Greenville, South Carolina

State of South Carolina Government Funded and Non Profit Rehab Programs

Speak With Someone Now. Help Is Available 1-855-956-5034

State and Government Funded Treatment Centers in Greenville, sc

The State of South Carolina has many state funded treatment options that are funded to provide addiction treatment for their residents. There are also medicaid accepted providers of substance abuse treatment. We have researched these along with Non Profit 501(c)(3) and County Rehab programs to provide a comprehensive list of provide at little to no cost for residents.

Many of these treatment plans can be free to the client based on your financial history.

For faster service, call 855-956-5034 to speak with one of our advisors. They are more familiar with the application processes and can guide you if you have any type of insurance.


Miracle Hill Renewal Center

19 Graves Dr
Greenville, SC - 29609


Substance abuse treatment for homeless and/or low income women in early recovery from substance abuse, alcohol and other drug dependency. Licensed by DHEC as a residential care facility; assists women with treatment for their substance abuse condit...


The Phoenix Center

1400 Cleveland Street
Greenville, SC - 29607

(864) 467-3790

The Phoenix Center accepts private insurance, VISA, MasterCard, Medicaid. Payment plans are available and no one is denied services due to the inability to pay. The Phoenix Center is accredited by the Council on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Faci...


Serenity Place – Women’s Residential

P.O. Box 1948
Greenville, SC - 29602

(864) 467-3751

This location is open 24 hours a day, every day of the year. Offers transitional housing with case management to women who are recovering from addictions, are pregnant or parenting long term; therapeutic child treatment day care for children who ha...


Let's Do Recovery House

516 4th Ave.
Greenville, SC - 29609


Services include:  Recovery services for homeless women and families that suffer from alcohol and substance abuse. Exception/Criteria: No alcohol or drugs upon entry. ...

Treatment Centers near Greenville

Due to the low number of listings in Greenville, we have added additional rehab centers nearby. If you would like to add a FREE rehab center in Greenville, South Carolina please use this form

Heart of Hannah Outreach Center

11400 Old White Horse Road
Travelers Rest, SC - 29690

(864) 834-5600

Services include: Renewal and Recovery Center  for Women, counseling, work study, job training Services provided to women only with addictions 6 12 month program Renewal/Recovery ProgramHeart of Hannahs Renewal/Recovery program is regarded as one of the most highly respected drug rehabs in ...

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