1948 Pineapple Avenue
Melbourne, FL - 32935
Phone (321) 259-7262
Addiction is recognized as a "primary" disease, that is, it is not the result of some other disease or just a problem of willpower.
The most common form of treatment for addiction is Outpatient Treatment, in which the individual attends group sessions while living at home and maintaining existing careers or other commitments.
Funding for research on the nature and causes of addiction has resulted in advancing knowledge of this disease.
Treatment programs have drawn on this research to improve their ability to address this disease. C.a.r.e. is PREVENT!s adult outpatient treatment program that uses a nationally-researched model, "Living in Balance", a 36-session program delivered twice weekly in a group format for 18 weeks.
After Care programs are designed to assist individuals who have completed a treatment program to prevent relapse.
Relapse prevention has also been extensively researched, and professional certification in this field is available.
Alcohol and Drug Screening:
Alcohol screen also available. Reduced cost screens available in certain circumstances.
For fees and other information, please call the main number.
Substance Abuse Assessment:
Youth and Family CounselingCounseling may be offered to clients enrolled in PREVENT! programs on a limited basis.
Persons In Family Household | Poverty Guideline salary per year |
1 | $14,580 |
2 | $19,720 |
3 | $24,860 |
4 | $30,000 |
5 | $35,140 |
6 | $40,280 |
7 | $45,420 |
8 | $50,560 |
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