Mariposa Lodge Women\'s Treatment Center

Free Treatment Center

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Mariposa Lodge Women\'s Treatment Center

9500 Malech Road
San Jose, CA - 95138

Phone 408-281-6555

About Mariposa Lodge Women\'s Treatment Center

Mariposa Lodge is run by Pathway Society which exists to provide services that promote the development of individual, family, and community wellness.
This is accomplished through programs designed to provide a continuum of substance abuse and behavioral health services.
Women's Detox center.
Free intake and services.
Contact for details.
There may be a wait list.
Adults who reside in Santa Clara County with a substance abuse problem.

Reviews for 15 Comments

Jan 15, 2025

The program is very good and the staff are wonderful. Very professional. Good classes. Overall good place to be.

Sep 5, 2024

I am trying to get a hold of my daughter who is a resident at your facility. Elisabeth DiRubio. This is ridiculous that I cannot get to her any way other than this.

Jul 27, 2023

This place saved my life. I was young and I went...left...relapsed and came back. Then I stayed for the program. It was not perfect. No programs are. I had been to 3 others. This one had many classes and taught us how to live again. Addiction takes soo much from us. They gave soo much back. Thank you for the p.o.m. classes. They even rushed me to the er when I passed out. I would not be who I am today without this program. I learned soo much about myself. I now work with trauma for a living. This place Inspired me, took care of me and lifted me up. Some tough love from others sure. Focus on yourself and work YOUR program. This place is real and it works!!

Mar 16, 2023

I have been to this treatment center. I was treated for alcohol addiction. The treatment center was free. It helped very much. My experience was awesome, the best. I love this place, okay I was 3 months pregnant and on meth I did the detox and 2 years later I’m in FL with my daughter sober and loving it. Thank you for all the workers, loved the food as well loved all the ladies that worked there and the ladies that were detoxing with me, if you’re reading this I was the pregnant reindeer on Halloween!

Oct 21, 2022

There is different answers because there is different reasons people go, and different programs. There is a Detox building, after a person does that, you make a choice of what is next for YOU. Some people choose the Residential program. The answers for that are different.

May 12, 2022

I would like to sign up for the 30 day program. I tried calling but could not get through.

Apr 15, 2022

I was very much helped in 2016, looking to perhaps go back? I need help again

Mar 20, 2022

I got sober at Mariposa Lodge 26 yrs ago. The program that was laid out for me and the counselors that were available were the best that I knew. I had no idea what recovery would be like or what it may look like. Mariposa showed me how to live in this world without drugs or alcohol . And, gave me enough tools to go out into the world and live a life beyond my wildest dreams. Thank you from my whole heart doesn’t seem like enough. My sober date is 8/3/1995!! My name is Denise and I am a recovering alcoholic/drug addict. I have never had it so good.

Mar 18, 2022

Would like to know how the process goes from detox to residential like rules, black out periods, etc.

Oct 9, 2021

I love the NA meetings and counselers

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User questions & answers


Have you used this rehab center? Was it free or did you use sliding fee to pay?

ANSWERED on Thursday, May 12, 2022

Have not been but looking to do the 30 day program asap.

ANSWERED on Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Yes it was free through MediCal

ANSWERED on Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Yes. Free and sliding scale.

Answer this question...


Have you had any dealings with the office? How were they?

ANSWERED on Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Eh, it depends, like any place you have good and bad. Luckily I had good counselors. If you are really serious about getting clean and work the program and trust the process then you’ll be fine. Check any attuned at the door.

ANSWERED on Wednesday, September 16, 2020


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What can I take in?

ANSWERED on Saturday, September 23, 2023

2 bags of things. Clothes and hygiene #1

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What are the COVID procedures?

ANSWERED on Sunday, February 11, 2024

They will take your temperature every morning, enforce masks at all times (except during meals/outdoors/in your own room), no visitation, hand sanitizers in every room

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How do I send my sister a card telling her I’m proud of her?

ANSWERED on Friday, October 21, 2022

Send it to the address on this website.

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Are they allowed to leave if they want to?

ANSWERED on Saturday, September 23, 2023

Yes it's not a jail and no fences to keep you there, just one big hill to get down. Stay it's worth it!

ANSWERED on Friday, October 21, 2022

If the person is there voluntarily, and 18, yes.

ANSWERED on Thursday, July 28, 2022

Yes only if your over 18 yrs old

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What's the address to send a letter to a client receiving treatment at Mariposa?

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Do you accept women who have previously had a heart attack in your program?

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Is there visiting hours there?

ANSWERED on Saturday, September 23, 2023

Not anymore due to covid

ANSWERED on Monday, June 26, 2023

Yes at anytime

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Can I have visits and phone calls?

ANSWERED on Saturday, September 23, 2023

Phone calls through a pay phone only and no visits due to covid

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How many days is detox?

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How long is the stay at Mariposa as a resident for recovery?

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What are the visiting requirements ?

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Can I come in voluntarily?

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Can I visit someone in treatment?

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I don’t live in that county can I still qualify?

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Do you take people in wheelchairs?

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What is the dress code?

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How many days is it?

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When can they get visitors?

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What can I bring with me? I need music 100 percent.

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Do residents need money for anything?

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Is there an age limit?

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Mariposa Lodge Women\'s Treatment Center

Federal Poverty Guidelines for 2023

This table is to be used if this rehab center accepts sliding scale treatment. This will show you what levels of income you need to make to qualify for free treatment.
Persons In Family Household   Poverty Guideline salary per year
1 $14,580
2 $19,720
3 $24,860
4 $30,000
5 $35,140
6 $40,280
7 $45,420
8 $50,560

For Households with more than 8 persons, add $4,480 for each additional person.

*Alaska and Hawaii have different rates for HUD federal poverty guidelines.
These numbers above represent 100% of the Federal Poverty Rate. In order to get legal aid from some offices, they use a sliding fee scale. When they use a sliding fee scale, the 100% rate can be different than 100%. In those cases, using for example a 200% federal poverty level, you will only need double the 100% number listed above to 200%.

More about Mariposa Lodge Women\'s Treatment Center

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